Healing the wounds of colonialism through food, medicine, story, restoration and learning. 

Heal the Land.

Feed the People.


The Deep Medicine Circle (DMC) is a WOC-led, collaborative 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization dedicated to repairing critical relationships that have been fractured through colonialism. Starting from a place of correcting relationships between Indigenous and Diasporic peoples, we cultivate a culture of care to support the health and healing of people and communities of plants and animals which are critical for our survival and thriving.

We are a collective of farmers, elders, physicians, healers, herbalists, ecological designers, scholars, political ecologists, movement workers, educators, youth, storytellers and artists. We adhere to earth-based, ecofeminist principles of organizing, with participatory circles of decision-making. We understand the existential threat of climate change as the end-stage of colonial capitalist destruction, and we innovate structural solutions based in cosmologies that can heal ruptured relationships of people to one another and of people to the web of life. We support Indigenous communities in their processes of healing through facilitating land return, acknowledging their sovereignty and advancing practices that bring communities together in shared learning. We create opportunities for other groups marginalized through colonial structures to partner in this work while advancing structural solutions for health and vitality.


Farming is Medicine.


Decolonizing Food and Medicine.


All of our relationships.


Knowing who we are.


Seeding the Future.


What is Deep Medicine?

Structural Solutions for Structural Problems